IP Device Configuration

You can integrate Revolution with a variety of IP devices, such as scrolling LED signs, IP speakers, strobes, and access control devices.

Intrado partners with a number of hardware manufacturers who make these different products, and they are all certified to work with Revolution. You can see a complete list of Certified Endpoint Partners on our website.

Once you add the device to your network, Revolution registers it as an IP Device and is aware of its capabilities. Once registered, Revolution automatically creates default configurations for each capability.

View all your registered IP devices at Configuration > Other DevicesIP Device, and select the IP Devices tab.

  • Triggers — If the device has contact closures, which may support buttons or sliders, Revolution creates a trigger for the device.

    You assign this device as the trigger when creating a notification, therefore, when someone comes by and pushes the button, adjusts the slider, or activates whatever mechanism that causes contact closure, the associated notification is activated.

    You can also assign location information to the device so that if it is used to activate a notification, you can provide the location in the notification.

    View all your recognized IP devices that can be triggers at ConfigurationOther DevicesIP Device, and select the Actions tab.

  • Endpoints — For example, if the device is a speaker that can receive audio and scroll text when it receives a notification, Revolution creates an endpoint for the device. This allows you to customize the configuration of the device, such as volume settings (default, minimum, or maximum), or how fast or slow you want the text to scroll across the screen.

    View all your recognized IP devices that can be endpoints at ConfigurationEndpoints, and select the Endpoint List tab.

  • Dual-use — Some devices can be both an endpoint and trigger. For example, an IP Speaker can receive notifications (endpoint) and also be used to activate a notification (trigger) because Revolution also detected that the device has contact closures.

    Therefore, Revolution creates any triggers and endpoints that are associated with that device.