Creating a CAP Service Feed

Note: Only All Sites Admins have full access to configuration.

The CAP (Common Alert Protocol) service generates a valid CAP XML feed that allows CAP-compliant devices to broadcast notifications.

Our CAP service is based on the OASIS CAP v1.2 and OASIS CAP v1.2 IPAWS protocols. The XML feed generated by the CAP Notifier contains all the required elements and sub-elements. There are also optional sub-elements that you can enter. Consult your vendor documentation for which elements are used and expected values for those elements.

After a CAP service is created, its feed then appears as an endpoint in the Select Endpoint & Contact Selection section when editing notifications. A system tag is also generated for CAP ATOM feeds and CAP RSS feeds. The CAP feed is automatically added to the appropriate system tag.

The basic steps are: