Adaptive Displays Configuration
In order for Adaptive Displays, running the Syn-Apps IP Device API, to auto-register with Revolution through DHCP option 72, you need to set the server to use DHCP and add the Revolution default port and heartbeat to the device's player.ini file in order for the device to be discoverable.
The basic steps are:
- You'll need to obtain the Adaptive Display Diagnostics App from your sign vendor.
- You'll need the Adaptive Display's IP address. Consult your vendor documentation or network administrator.
- Log into the Diagnostic App.
- On Sign Connection > Communication Settings, enter the device's IP address.
- Keep the remaining default settings.
- Click Connect.
- Click Sign Files in the main menu.
- Go to the Alpha folder, click on player.ini, and then click View/Edit.
- Scroll to the bottom of the file and add these settings:
- syn-apps_server=
- syn-apps_port=80
- syn-apps_heartbeat=50
- Click Upload & Reboot.
- Confirm the reboot. Confirm the disconnect to reboot.
The Connect button changes to Disconnect once the device registers.
Once reboot is completed, you should see the Adaptive display listed on the Revolution Endpoints page.
Assign the Adaptive Display to notifications as an endpoint.