Integration with 9-1-1 applications
Use Revolution to send information about notifications to 9-1-1 applications.
Important: In an emergency, always dial 9-1-1.
Note: This functionality does not contact 9-1-1 operators directly. It only provides a way to send information to applications 9-1-1 operators may use.
Revolution interacts with other Intrado products that provide information to 9-1-1 operators to assist them in evaluating and responding to emergency calls. This information allows them to provide quality information to emergency responders.
Note: You must be licensed to use this 9-1-1 application integration. Contact your Sales partner if you need to add this to your Revolution license.
9-1-1 applications rely on accurate address information. The address creation tool allows you to define an address such that Revolution can recreate the information in the proper format.
Note: The fields are based on the NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) United States Civic Location Data Exchange (CLDXF) Standard. See
Go to Configuration > Integrations > Data to 9-1-1.
Select the Addresses tab.
Select New.
Complete as many of the fields as are appropriate for your location. The more information you can specify the better to assist the 9-1-1 operator in providing location information to emergency resources.
The Name field is how Revolution will reference the collection of information; it is not part of the address.
All fields provide a brief overview of the type of data and for fields with formatting requirements, you will receive hint text if you do not enter a proper value. The parenthetical codes reference the NENA standard.
Select Save.
Copying Addresses
Once you have created and saved an address, you can copy the address to easily create additional entries.
For example, you can quickly make separate address entries for each floor of your building.
Select the menu icon () and then the copy icon. A new address will be created with a numbered suffix, which you can edit as needed.
The data actions you create define the information sent to the 9-1-1 applications. These actions will appear as Endpoints when you create notifications.
Go to Configuration > Integrations > Data to 9-1-1.
Select New 9-1-1 Data.
For Name, enter a description of this action, such that it is easily recognizable and can be found when creating notifications.
Define the Event using either of these options:
Enable Use Trigger Name if you want to use the name of the activating trigger as the name of the Event.
Do not enable Use Trigger Name and instead enter the name of the event in the Event field.
For Address, select the address description associated with the trigger and notification. See Creating Addresses.
Enable Use Trigger Location to also send any available location information for the specific trigger. See Set location information
For Emergency Contact and Emergency Contact Phone Number, provide the name and phone number of the person the 9-1-1 operator could contact related to the incident.
Note: This contact information should be specific to this event and location.
Select Save.
In the listing of 9-1-1 Data Actions, the Status column indicates if there are any issues with your actions. You can find more information about any warnings or errors by going to Status > System Status > Webhook Module.
When creating notifications to send information to 9-1-1 operators, you will need to select the 9-1-1 data actions as Endpoints in the Endpoint & Contact Selection section.
When you include a 9-1-1 data action as an endpoint, Revolution sends the following information to the 9-1-1 operators:
Select Triggers – If you enabled Use Trigger Name, the title of the event seen by the 9-1-1 operator will be the Name of the trigger. Also, if your trigger includes a Location value, that will be sent along.
Note: In order for 9-1-1 to dispatch services as quickly and accurately as possible, it is strongly suggested that you only select a single trigger, as it will be useful to create highly-specific notifications for each trigger, location, and 9-1-1- Data Action combination.
Message Details - The description of the event will be a combination of your Title and Body fields.
Note: No audio or images will be sent to the 9-1-1 data endpoint.