Priority Groups

Create priority groups that define a primary server and failover order of your redundancy servers.

You can use priority groups to:

  • Define failover order for your redundant servers.
  • Define different server priorities such that you can distribute activations to different servers. For example, for GroupA you could list your primary server first, while for GroupB your secondary could be first.

You will reference these priority groups when creating or editing triggers. Whenever you see the Priority Groups field, you can select one of your created priority groups. Any notification using that trigger will then be activated from the first server listed (or lower priority servers in the case of failover).

If you do not create any priority groups, beyond the DEFAULT, then Revolution behaves as if it was in an Active/Standby scenario for any failover scenarios and all notifications will go through the highest priority server that is active.

Access: Go to ConfigurationPriority Groups.

This page is separated into the following sections:

  • Redundancy Servers – A listing of all servers available to Revolution. Your primary server will always be listed first, followed by any secondary servers, listed in the order they were recognized by the primary server.
    • From this section you can edit how Revolution displays the server name to be more user-friendly than the host name.
  • Server Priority Groups – A listing of your priority groups.
    • For the DEFAULT priority group, you can edit the priority order of the servers, but you cannot change the name.

From this page, you can perform the following tasks:

Icon Action
New Button

Create a new priority group.

  1. Replace New Priority Group with a unique name
  2. Click and drag the server boxes to your desired priority order, with highest priority first.
Filter icon Filter the priority groups
Settings Icon Edit the selected priority group
Edit Icon Redundancy Server section: Edit the display names for the servers. The default names are the host names
Delete icon Delete the selected priority group