Revolution and Safety Shield Integration
This section guides you through the process of integrating your Revolution and Safety Shield platforms. The two flows include:
Using Revolution notifications to trigger Safety Shield events. See Use Revolution to Trigger Safety Shield Events.
Using Safety Shield event actions to trigger Revolution notifications. See Use Safety Shield to trigger Notifications in Revolution.
Both flows require you to create a Safety Shield Token in Revolution. See Creating a Safety Shield Token.
Important: These flows require you to authorize the connection with a Safety Shield login. It is strongly suggested that you connect with a user account that has the API Integration permissions, but it is not required. See your Safety Shield documentation for information about users and permission types.
You can use these flows when you have deployed the Revolution platform on-premise within your network and have deployed the Safety Shield platform in the cloud and managed by Intrado.
Your Revolution and Safety Shield platforms are completely independent and will be managed separately. This integration allows the platforms to communicate with each other.
These instructions also assume that you have set up a fully functional environment in both your Revolution and Safety Shield platforms.
Important: Within Safety Shield, integration with Revolution is considered a feature and must be enabled by your support or sales representative.
The information in this document assumes that you are familiar with both platforms and have access to their respective documentation sets. You can find the Safety Shield (PDF) and Revolution (HTML) documentation by selecting Help in the navigation panel within each interface.
Access Safety Shield by selecting the Safety Shield link in the left-hand navigation panel and logging into your instance.
This token enables the communication between Revolution and Safety Shield. Note that this token is specific to this instance of Revolution. If you are working with multiple instances of Revolution, you will want to create a token on each.
Go to Configuration > Integrations > Token.
Select New.
For Name, provide a name to make this token easily recognizable.
For Available in All Sites, enable to allow use of the authorization token for all your sites or disable to specify a specific Site. If your permissions are limited to single site, Revolution automatically assigns this to your site.
For Token Type, select Safety Shield.
Select Authorize to go to a Safety Shield authorization screen.
For Country, select the proper value for your Safety Shield instance.
For Username and Password, enter the credentials for a user in your Safety Shield instance. It is strongly suggested that you connect with a user account that has the API Integration permissions, but it is not required.
Select Authorize.
For Organizations, select at least one organization to integrate with.
Use this flow when you want an in-building alarm, or other Revolution triggers, to report or trigger an event in Safety Shield.
Prerequisite: Creating a Safety Shield Token.
You will first create a token that enables communication between Revolution and Safety Shield, then a webhook service that creates endpoints matching the Safety Shield events and action types, then you will create or edit notifications to use these endpoints.
This webhook service automates the creation of endpoints for the various Safety Shield event and action types. You will use these endpoints when editing or creating notifications.
Go to Configuration > Integrations > Safety Shield.
Select New > New Safety Shield Service.
For Name, provide a name to make this service easily recognizable.
For Token, select the Safety Shield token you created. See Creating a Safety Shield Token.
For Organization ID, select a Safety Shield organization to integrate with. The options are available after loading your token.
For Types of Events to Trigger, you will select the event types and any related action types for which you want to create endpoints to use in your notifications.
Note: You will only be able to select those events enabled by the Safety Shield administrator. If the administrator creates new or enables existing events, you can edit this service, as needed.
Select Save.
The Safety Shield page shows this Service with the following information:
Name – The name you assigned to the Service.
Token – The token used for the Service.
Status – An error is shown when the token is invalid or a request to Safety Shield issues an error. A warning is shown if you do not have a token or organization selected or if a selected event type has been disabled.
After creating the Safety Shield Service, Revolution creates endpoints for the complete set of event and action types you selected. You can view them in the Configuration > Endpoints page searching for "safetyshieldservice". The endpoint names use the format:
<Service Name> <Event Type> <Action>
For example:
Company Safety Shield Fire Trigger Event
Company Safety Shield Power Outage Report Event
You are now ready to include the service endpoints to your notifications that you want to initiate events in Safety Shield.
Create a new or edit an existing Notification:
General: Define information about the Notification.
Select Triggers: Select what activates the notification.
Note: If the activating trigger has location information, it will be sent to Safety Shield such that the event can be displayed on the event map.
Message Details: Define the content sent to endpoints. Safety Shield will use the Title and Body from the Notification as the Title and Comments, respectively, of the Safety Shield event.
Actions: Configure any responses or actions to this notification.
Endpoint & Contact Selection:
Select the Endpoints tab.
Search for and select the created endpoints. You can search for the Name you assigned to your Safety Shield Service.
Whenever any of the selected triggers are activated, Revolution will send this notification to your endpoints and contacts, including Safety Shield.
Use this flow when you want Safety Shield to trigger in-building notifications via Revolution.
Prerequisite: Creating a Safety Shield Token.
Create a trigger to include in Revolution notifications.
You can create multiple triggers that map to your Safety Shield events and actions. This will allow you to have multiple Revolution notifications that send information to different sets of contacts and endpoints.
Go to Configuration > Integrations > Cloud Service Trigger.
Select New > New Cloud Service Trigger.
For Name, provide a name to make this trigger easily recognizable. You might include information about the Safety Shield event and action that uses this trigger.
For Available in All Sites, enable to allow use of the trigger for all your sites or disable to specify a specific Site. If your permissions are limited to single site, Revolution automatically assigns this to your site.
For Token, select the token you created previously. See Creating a Safety Shield Token.
For Icon (optional), select a graphic file. You will see this image when creating an In-building Notification trigger in Safety Shield.
For the Allow Service options, enable each of them.
You will reference this trigger when creating Revolution notifications and creating Safety Shield In-building Notifications.
You are now ready to create Revolution notifications that trigger off events and actions in Safety Shield.
Create a new or edit an existing notification:
General: Define information about the Notification
Select Triggers
For Activator, select Mobile & 3rd Party.
For Trigger, select one of the triggers you created previously.
Message Details: Define the content sent to endpoints.
Actions: Configure any responses or actions to this notification
Endpoint & Contact Selection: Identify devices and contacts to receive the notification.
Whenever the selected trigger is activated, resulting from an event and action in Safety Shield, Revolution will send this notification to your endpoints and contacts.
You can create, within Safety Shield, as many in-building notifications as you need to map to the Revolution notifications you created.
Go to Notifications > In-Building Notifications.
If you do not see this option, this feature is not enabled and you should contact your Safety Shield support or sales representative.
Select Add New Trigger.
For Event Type, select the event to be associated with this notification trigger. You will only have access to those events enabled by your administrator.
For Sent When, select the action that activates the Revolution trigger, and thus the notification.
For Sent During, select whether this applies to events or drills.
For Revolution - 3rd Party Triggers, select the Revolution Cloud Service Trigger you created.
Whenever an event occurs in Safety Shield that matches the Type and Action you selected, Safety Shield will activate the Cloud Service trigger in Revolution and any notification using that trigger. Any endpoints associated with that notification will receive the appropriate information.