Usage Statistics
The Usage Statistics page, accessed by Status > Statistics, provides you with graphical and tabular representations of your notifications and the triggers and endpoints used.
Note: Only All Site admins can view this page.
At the top of the page, you can select a time frame for the statistics: Day, Week, Month, or Year.
Each panel shows statistics for a given category. You can select Expand to view more information (click anywhere in the panel to minimize):
Select the Print icon to save the current view to a PDF.
Notifications — A pie chart of notification statuses.
Max in Parallel — The largest number of parallel-running notifications at any given time.
Max Endpoint Count — The largest number of endpoints in any single notification.
Max Duration — The longest running notification.
Triggers — A pie chart of activation triggers, organized by module, and in descending order.
Endpoints — A pie chart of endpoint statuses.
Type — Number of endpoints, by module, and in descending order.
Notifications By Site — A list of notifications per site, in descending order.
Notifications by Type — A list of notifications by notification type, in descending order.
System Status — A pie chart showing percentage of time the system was in each status, with a granularity in minutes over the selected time frame.